For any kind of information regarding our firm please fill in the following form and our staff will be glad to contact you. You may also communicate with us at the following addresses:

N:B: The fields marked by an asterisk must be filled in.

Name* :

Surname* :
Firm* :
Address* :
City* :
Telephone* :
Fax* :
 E-Mail :
Secotr of activity* :
Territorial extension:
Function held in the firm:* :

Comments / Requests:


According to the law 675/96 we remind you of the existence of the rights that the same law reserves to those who give their personal data and, in particular, of the right to verify and request its cancellation. Filling in this form, you consent to the collecting of the personal data and to the communication to our trading partners, in order to receive information and trading In case of disagreement put a cross here.

In caso di dissenso barri la casella qui a fianco


Via Insorti D’Ungheria, 80
86100 Campobasso - Italy

Via Insorti D’Ungheria, 98
86100 Campobasso - Italy
Tel. + 39 874/64074 – 61246
Fax +39 874/494680

Contrada Piana – Zona Industriale
86019 Vinchiaturo (CB) - Italy
Tel/Fax + 39 874/340199

2001 © Califel S.r.l. - Tutti i diritti riservati